Sunday, 15 June 2014

Increase Traffic on your Website or Blog

In the last post i talked about bidvertiser for starters to earn money from their blog. today i am going to talk about how u can increase traffic on your blog. after signing up and getting ur ad placed on the blig what u have to do is signup on the following website
Autosurf Traffic Exchange  Signup with simple steps using ur email address and paswword. After signing up go to tab MY WEBSITES. Submit ur website into traffic exchange and save. After adding ur website click on traffic exchange and download hit leap viewer. download and install the software.
  Once done open and login with your account. click the start button and ur traffic exchange will start.. and it will surf websites automatically and in return ur website will be surfed by others too. By this way u will get alot of impressions and earn more from bidvertiser. once your 10$ are completed withdraw them by paypal :)